Contenedores soterrados de carga lateral

General Characteristics

  • Hydroelectric elevation by means of remote control, side release.
  • The environment-friendly islands are simple, quick and safe systems to handle, both for citizens and when collected..
  • Reduced visual impact. Hygienic and safe in an urban environment.
  • Available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
  • They stop bad smells and prevent people and animals from searching through materials.
  • Low maintenance and exclusive handling by collection service staff.

Technical Characteristics

  • Resistant with an extremely solid structure. Islands of 1 or 2 containers.
  • Hydroelectric elevation by means of remote control, side release..
  • Finish to be completed in civil work or checker hot-dipped anti-slip galvanized sheet.


  • DIRECTIVA 2006/42
  • UNE EN 12574-1,2,3
Underground Side-Loading Containers 1

Surface Containers

Highly versatile containers for different types of waste..